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Be a Speaker

Be a Speaker

| Tina Bakehouse

One of my favorite speakers is research professor and author Brene Brown. She shows up as herself, provides helpful insights, and presents naturally.


She doesn’t read her speech.

She doesn’t present as if she’s memorized it.

Her human-beingness shines through by her willingness to be open and vulnerable.


It’s easy to do the opposite.


It’s easy to have your speech in hand and recite the words with little to no feeling.


To just go through the motions, wishing it over.


There’s a difference between giving a speech and being a speaker.


Speech-givers have a script.

Speech-givers read the script without emotion.

Speech-givers care more about getting done then getting through to their audience.


Speakers analyze their audience.

Speakers focus on content that aligns with the context.

Speakers engage the audience and give a gift.

“The next time you’re preparing to speak to a group, remember to keep your audience at the center of your communication,” says Briar Goldberg, the director of speaker coaching at TED. 

One way to do this is to ask yourself: “What gift are you giving to your audience?

Instead of giving a speech, be a speaker.

Your audience will appreciate the gift.


Here’s an article that highlights the power of the speaker.