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Embrace Your Inner Alchemist


Embrace Your Inner Alchemist

| Tina Bakehouse

Recently, I read The Alchemist in one day.

When author Paulo Coelho composed this book, he didn’t expect it to be an
international bestseller, translated in 60 languages.

Coelho’s book follows the young shepherd Santiago’s journey to find his Personal
Legend, his life’s destiny. During his travels, he encounters multiple people and
challenges, including an alchemist.

Alchemists believe lead can be turned into gold; thus, an alchemist is someone who
transforms things into something better.

In his introduction, Coelho expresses four challenges we face when it comes to
finding and living our Personal Legend.

  1. We are told from childhood onward that everything we want to do is
  2. Once we believe this dream, the fear of hurting others around us or
    abandoning them while we pursue our dream becomes a second obstacle.
  3. We fear all the defeats that will meet us on our path.
  4. We must believe and have faith the Universe conspires in our favor, having our
    hearts lead us in life’s journey.

Have you had a dream to craft a signature talk?

To get on the TEDx stage?

To get better at telling your story?

Focus on, yes, this dream is possible.

That your loved ones genuinely wish you well and want you happy to pursue your dream.

Challenges will arise, but it’s all worth it.

It’s having the courage to embrace your inner alchemist, for you have one.

If you’re ready to learn more about the authentic speaker that you are and
craft your signature talk, schedule a 1-on-1 to discuss your speaking goals.


Join me at Maple Edge Farm, Friday and Saturday, September 16, 17 for a deep-dive
Master Class to craft your signature talk.

Spend time with goats.

Learn more about your temperament and authentic speaker style.

Create content and receive feedback.

Want to learn more?