Tina Bakehouse
Founder, Chief Communicator
Educator, Executive Consultant & Coach for 20+ Years
Growing up on a farm in southwest Iowa, I found fun in performing, teaching, and learning. Using my front porch as a proscenium stage, I created radio talk shows with my tan 1980s Fisher Price tape recorder and orange sponge microphone. I composed scripts with my siblings and acted them out annually for my parent’s anniversary. I practiced monologues and speeches for high school competitions. Now, with my enthusiastic passion for performance, I’m transferring what I loved as a child into my adulthood career (with updated technology, of course).
Then, in 2007, I lost my voice. My voice was completely gone. More than laryngitis, it was vocal polyps, just like Julie Andrews. This vocal condition was due to stress, strain, and overuse. I met weekly with a speech pathologist for vocal therapy and saw a throat specialist who gave me two choices: surgery to remove the polyps, which could permanently change my voice, or complete silence for six weeks. I chose silence. In those six weeks, I realized the importance of listening and being fully present with others. I also realized how my vocal and nonverbal presence defined who I am and influenced my communication with others. After lots of therapy and rest, my voice recouped, and I left the high school teaching arena after six years of teaching speech and English.
Following 10 years of collegiate teaching at Creighton University, including starting a communication center for one-on-one coaching and consulting, I decided to try something new: leave education and work as an outreach and communication coordinator for a nonprofit. Burnout sneaked in. I made a difficult decision to jump out of a plane (figuratively) to try something new (again) by working for a bank as a Chief Creative Officer. Then came an international pandemic. From this social isolation, I committed to creating my own story by helping others share their stories with confidence and communicate more effectively, both in business and interpersonally.

Master of Arts in Communication Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Communication-Theatre, English Teaching
Bachelor of Arts, Communication, Psychology
Certified in Advanced Professional Writing
Certified in Predictive Index
Certified in Keirsey Temperament Theory
Certified in 5 Levels of Improvisation
PQ Intelligence Training
Iowa Speakers Bureau
Disney Institute Trained
Author of Discovering Our Magnetic Speaker Within
Former Creighton University Communication Studies Instructor
Created Creighton University Communication Center for faculty and students
Humanities Iowa Board Member
Iowa High School Speech Association All-State Speech Critic
Leadership Iowa
Union Pacific Railroad Curriculum Developer and Training Facilitator
Human Resources Training Experience
Walt Disney World Cast Member
Adult and Teen Storytelling Coach for multiple shows
Storyteller: NY, Blue Barn Theatre, Wilson Performing Arts Center
TEDx speaker and TEDx Coach
Director and Storyteller for Malvern’s 150th Celebration